Already four generations of the Rodolfi’s family are leading the company with an exciting history. The story begins in the small factory of Remigio, in San Pancrazio, and it continues with Mansueto, with his willing to industrialize in Ozzano Taro: he guides the company through the difficult years of the two wars and thanks to his perseverance he helps Rodolfi Mansueto to become the famous company that we all know.
«We’ve been here for over 120 years, in the heart of Food Valley, in Parma. In our three processing plants (Ozzano, Fontanini e Castelguelfo), we process more than 250.000 tons of fresh tomatoes per year.Because of this, We are one of the world leading processors of tomatoes, and we’re so proud.»
«We’ve been the first company to bring into the italians kitchen a ready sauce in the tube and we’ve been one of the first companies to start the production of organic products. We are one of the oldest tomato processing industries, but we don’t feel old! »
«R&S sector is one of the important assets of our job, because we are consumer- oriented trying to offer them the best quality and to meet their needs» - replies Mansueto jr. to the company’s official site.